Tomb of Marshall Turenne in the Dôme des Invalides. Also here are Vauban (his heart is interred here). He was the architect who designed the Military fortifications for King Louis XIV. Joseph Bonaparte and Jérôme Bonaparte are also interred here. Marshal Turenne has been called

Tomb of Marshall Turenne in the Dôme des Invalides. Also here are Vauban (his heart is interred here). He was the architect who designed the Military fortifications for King Louis XIV. Joseph Bonaparte and Jérôme Bonaparte are also interred here. Marshal Turenne has been called "one of the greatest generals in modern history". He participated in something like 20 battles from 1625 - 1675. He died in 1675 when he was 63 years old. At first he was buried in St. Denis which is the church, north of central Paris, where several kings were interred. When the French revolutionaries reburied the remains of those kings into a mass grave around the year 1793, they respected the remains of Marshal Turenne and reburied his remains at the Jardin des Plantes. In 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte then had his remains moved to the Dome Church at Les Invalides where they still exist in the tomb photographed here.