As can be seen in this photo, I did accomplish the courting part of our relationship and did return to Parlilitan the next year to marry Farida. This river is about 15 minutes away, on foot, from Faridas' family home. We often came down here to wade in the water and to eat Indomie and drink coffee or hot tea in a very small warung at the far end of the bridge. It took us many weeks of going from place to place to get much paper work done so I really enjoyed the slow meandering walks we had here in Parlilitan and Pakkat which is about half an hour drive to the south of Parlilitan. Faridas' oldest sister lives in Pakkat. We even had to go to Medan to have all of my paperwork translated from English to Indonesian and her paper work from Indonesian into English.

As can be seen in this photo, I did accomplish the courting part of our relationship and did return to Parlilitan the next year to marry Farida. This river is about 15 minutes away, on foot, from Faridas' family home. We often came down here to wade in the water and to eat Indomie and drink coffee or hot tea in a very small warung at the far end of the bridge. It took us many weeks of going from place to place to get much paper work done so I really enjoyed the slow meandering walks we had here in Parlilitan and Pakkat which is about half an hour drive to the south of Parlilitan. Faridas' oldest sister lives in Pakkat. We even had to go to Medan to have all of my paperwork translated from English to Indonesian and her paper work from Indonesian into English.